Jumat, 04 Juli 2014

finally when all was done well, then we should find the other way to go upper than before

Senin, 24 Maret 2014


Ketika matahari pagi menyinari pelabuhan. Aku tersadar bahwa aku sendiri. Bersama sepeda, lalu lalang nelayan. Bersama ikan-ikan yang berenang didalam air laut. Melihat seorang anak kecil memancing, berharap akan keajaiban. Dihari yang sangat berbeda, sebuah tempat, dibawah kaki gunung. Ketika pagi, kabut menyelimuti seluruh kota ini. Dingin, berbeda, dingin, tak hangat sehangat pesisir di pagi hari. Langkah kecil, berlari, kembali melangkahkan kaki, kecil -kecil. Sebuah pemandangan tak biasa pun ditemukan. Hujan, dibalik jendela, aku diam, melihat cermin

Puisi "Cinta"

Cinta adalah sebuah feeling. Cinta datang tiba-tiba. Kadang dia datang ditempat yang tak terduga. I never understand about love. Love is strange. Human is a strange creature. So human is full of love. Pernah aku falling in love with a girl. But I have to keep in silence. I cannot break the habit, I cannot break a whole of my life With a new experience , with a new feeling in my new life. Sekarang dia datang kembali, seperti a new story of my life. Cinta, ..


Guys, Let me tell you something. It is really important to be known. When you have dream, and you really want to reach that dream. Please Run to the place exactly. What you think is what your life. When you think that life is hard for you, it is gonna be hard. When you think that life is easy, so a world is gonna be easy. Trust me, I have tried in whole my life.

A Story

this is me I wanna share a story . It is about my dream. When a child, I thought to be a doctor. At the fact, I did not have a strong intention. When a teen, I wanted to be an anime maker. By my imagination, I made some characters. But at that time, I love to teach. I love to spread a truth,the truth that all people do not have. Time by time, Those dreams changed to be really hard to be reach. A chance came to me. I did not want to be a poor lazy. taking action more than an ordinary person did. Trying to do the best all in my life. That was not easy. I had prepared some years. And now here I am. No one can hide me. I am teacher, and I love to be a teacher